Archived Articles
Entries for month: December 2013
Recycle your Batteries in Support of Clothes for Kids
December 13, 2013
Cory Graper of Raw Materials Company and Ben Santucci of Westchester Logistics delivered a second cheque for $1,800 in support of Corus Entertainment's Clothes for Kids Campaign. The donation was made on behalf of environmentally conscious Kingstonians at the CKWS TV office in Kingston on December 12th, 2013.
Ontario’s Curbside Battery Recycling Program Recycles 20,000 Kilograms in Three Weeks!
December 4, 2013
Over a three-week period beginning November 4th, close to 300,000 households across Ontario simultaneously cleaned out their junk drawers and recycled 20,729 kilograms of dead batteries through municipal curbside collection programs.