
Battery waste is accumulated in small quantities by everyone. The average household uses about 3 lbs of batteries every year. Property management companies with 100 or more buildings could easily be disposing thousands of pounds every year.

Engaged Tenants

Environmental 360 Solutions (E360S) is looking to place battery recycling containers in buildings where tenants are highly engaged in the recycling process. If you want to provide your tenants with additional opportunities to recycle their waste conveniently, contact us today!

Ontario Based Clients

Environmental 360 Solutions is a registered battery hauler and processor with the Resource Productivity & Recovery Authority (RPRA) under Ontario Regulation 30/20. 

Battery Types Accepted

Our Apartment Battery Recycling program accepts a variety of battery types.


The most successful apartment recycling programs all have one thing in common, engaged residents. Engaging your tenants can be challenging considering the high turnover rate in multi-residential buildings.

The best way to get your tenants involved is through effective communication. Sustained messaging and encouragement throughout the year will help make your recycling program routine.

Consider these methods of promotion for your tenants:

  • Posters in the lobby
  • Newsletters, brochures and flyers
  • Training sessions and extracurricular events
  • Surveys
  • Door hangers

Roll out your new recycling program with a simple strategy and a collection of posters found here.


Waste Management

Environmental 360 Solutions is a licensed collector, transporter, and processor of other lead and mercury bearing wastes such as fluorescent lamps and electronic waste.

Visit waste management and additional services for more information.

Contact us and start a recycling program today!

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Contact Us

Please use the form to the left, or contact us today at:

Toll Free: (833) 463-3607
Fax: (905) 835-6824

Environmental 360 Solutions Ltd.
17 Invertose Drive
Port Colborne, ON L3K 5V5

We will put you in touch with a representative that will be able to answer all of your questions.

Thank you!

For your convenience, here is a summary of important links related to this page.

Lead-acid batteries are the oldest rechargeable batteries still in use today. In Canada, over 98% of all Lead-acid batteries are recovered for recycling.

Find out more about our technology and how together we are turning waste into a valuable resource.